
Cannaboom Resina Plus Basic


Cannaboom Resina Plus Basic

Resina Plus Basic Cannaboom provides potassium and organic matter rich macro and micro elements to achieve density and hardness in our plant buds, maintaining the balance of nutrients in the plant, in addition to the high nutrient level micro elements of natural origin, along with enzymes and growth factors, saving the plant the extra energy expenditure for the conversion of nutrients for easy assimilation, improving the plant’s metabolism, as they act as nutrient transporters due to their plant origin. This type of potassium is necessary to obtain more compact buds with more weight, better taste and more resin, as it is one of the nutrients that the plant assimilates more easily and in greater quantity to help increase photosynthesis and the absorption of CO2, which intervenes and favours the formation of sugars by transporting starch to the plant’s reserve organs.

This product can be used in soil cultures, indoors and outdoors, in hydroponics and in coconut crops.


Cannaboom Resina Plus Basic

Usage: Shake the bottle well before use.
Use 1.5ml/l in the last 3 weeks before pre-collective root flushing.

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Cannaboom Resina Plus Basic

Resina Plus Basic Cannaboom provides potassium and organic matter rich macro and micro elements to achieve density and hardness in our plant buds, maintaining the balance of nutrients in the plant, in addition to the high nutrient level micro elements of natural origin, along with enzymes and growth factors, saving the plant the extra energy expenditure for the conversion of nutrients for easy assimilation, improving the plant’s metabolism, as they act as nutrient transporters due to their plant origin. This type of potassium is necessary to obtain more compact buds with more weight, better taste and more resin, as it is one of the nutrients that the plant assimilates more easily and in greater quantity to help increase photosynthesis and the absorption of CO2, which intervenes and favours the formation of sugars by transporting starch to the plant’s reserve organs.

This product can be used in soil cultures, indoors and outdoors, in hydroponics and in coconut crops.


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